project based learning oral presentation checklist
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Checklist for Intermediate: Grades 5-8
Content Resources Organization Presentation Aids Delivery
I used a strong attention-getting device.

I used words that the audience could understand.

My vocabulary was strong and unambiguous.

I used facts and logical appeals where appropriate.

I used opinions or emotional appeals where appropriate.

I used supportive details.

The information I gave was valuable.

The information and arguments were easy to follow.

I stayed focused; I did not stray off my topic.

I was well informed on my topic.

I presented information that others didn't know.

I was able to answer questions from the audience.

I used credible library resources.

I used credible Internet resources.

I used interviews with others as a resource.

I cited my resources using the appropriate format.

I gave credit to the resources in my speech.

A bibliography was available.

I put things into my own words.

I was able to answer questions from the audience.

I organized ideas in a meaningful way.

I stated my topic clearly in the introduction.

I included necessary background information.

A clear introduction was present.

The introduction included a statement of the main points.

The audience could predict the presentation's basic structure from the introduction alone.

The body of the presentation contained support for the main points.

I used helpful transitions between main points (e.g.: "First of all ..." or "Similarly ..." etc).

Ideas flowed logically from one point to the next.

A strong conclusion was present.

The conclusion had a clear call to action or belief.

The conclusion was a creative summary of my topic.

The audience could distinguish the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Presentation aids were used during the speech.

Presentation aids were relevant.

Presentation aids enhanced the speech or reinforced main points.

Presentation aids did not distract the audience.

Presentation aids were creative.

Visual aids were easy to read or see.

Audio aids were easy to hear.

Presentation aids contained no spelling or grammar errors.

I maintained eye-contact most of the time.

I spoke to the entire audience, not just one or two people.

My pronunciation was clear and easy to understand.

My rate of speech was not too fast or too slow.

My volume was not too loud or too soft.

My body language was not too relaxed or too tense.

My voice varied in pitch; it was not monotone.

I used meaningful gestures.

I used notes sparingly; I did not read from them.

I used standard grammar.

I didn't hesitate or lose my place.

I didn't use filler words (uhm, uh, ah, mm, like).

I didn't call attention to errors by apologizing.

I didn't fidget, rock back and forth, or pace.

I maintained good posture.

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