What do teachers need to know about computers?

  This lesson explores the notion of what teachers should know about computing and electronic technology. This is particulary preplexing because of the rate of change and the lack of time teachers have to engage in learning. In this lesson, you are first asked to identify what you think are the three most important things teachers should know about computing. Next you will listen to a short narrated slide presentation, and finally you will be asked if you agree or disagree with the narrator and to defend your answer. We will discuss your responses next week.

Enter your name:

Enter the three most important things that a teacher should know about computers.



Click a viewing option to continue.

Note: The slide presentation requires Netscape Navigator 2.0 or newer (or Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or newer) and RealAudio with at least a 28.8l modem. You may download the latest versions of Netscape Navigator and the Real Player (be sure to install and configure them before trying to run the slide presentation!), or use one of the computers in the Robinson Lab to complete this assignment.